The best flash cards collection is now available on the App Store!!!
The flash cards collection of “Learning Toy” has a total of eight categories covering subjects closed to our daily life: City、Food、Home、School、Department Store、Fun Places、Human and Zoo-Botanical & Garden. English vocabulary with pronunciation and unique illustration for each flash card help kids learning with ease. This educational application is designed specially for kids to learn from their environment.
While your kids have “Learning Toy”, parents don’t need to worry about complex information from internet. With this flash cards collection in hand, your kids are learning everywhere and having fun anytime!!!
最優質的flash cards系列終於在App平台登場!!
「Learning Toy」的flash cards系列共分為City、Food、Home、School、Department Store、Fun Places、Human、Zoo-Botanical以及Garden八種生活周遭常見的人事物。標準美式英語發音,並加上生動活潑的圖示,以最貼近孩子生活的方式來學習,寓教於樂保證孩子們愛不釋手。
有了「Learning Toy」,爸爸媽媽不用再擔心網路中複雜又不良的資訊。只要帶著「Learning Toy」 flash cards系列,就能讓家中的每個孩子走到哪就學習到哪!!!